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Once upon a time, on a cold winter morning, there was a young man named Timothy, who was going for his daily walk in nature. Although this morning started like all the rest, nothing could prepare Tim for what would happen next. As he strolled along, listening to his music, in this beautiful trail surrounded by snow covered trees, a backpack came crashing down from the sky and landed a few feet in front of him! In shock and confusion, he looked to the sky and noticed a hot air ballon passing by from far above. He kneeled down, opened the backpack, and found a map with his name across the top and a set of unique keys...

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Damian Calzato

Once upon a time, on a cold winter morning, there was a young man named Timothy, who was going for his daily walk in nature. Although this morning started like all the rest, nothing could prepare Tim for what would happen next. As he strolled along, listening to his music, in this beautiful trail surrounded by snow covered trees, a backpack came crashing down from the sky and landed a few feet in front of him! In shock and confusion, he looked to the sky and noticed a hot air ballon passing by from far above. He kneeled down, opened the backpack, and found a map with his name across the top and a set of unique keys.

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